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Attendance Information

Hola! I am Pablo, our school mascot.


Our school council asked their classes for ideas about improving school attendance. The children 

wanted a mascot and decided on me, as they consider owls to be very wise.


The children talked about what our owl should be called and what it would represent. Our very wise school council came up with the name Pablo whose letters stand for:


Punctuality, Attendance, Behaviour, Learning, Owl


I encourage children to be in on time each and every day with the best possible behaviour for learning.  My name also celebrates our status as a Spanish Centre of Excellence.


Attendance and Punctuality Policy and Guides

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School Attendance Team


Mrs C Woodhouse, Deputy Headteacher

Mrs A McKenna, Learning Mentor

Mrs K Moran, Learning Mentor

Mrs G O’Connell, Admin Assistant

Mrs C Deering, Educational Welfare Officer

PABLO (who makes a flying visit!)

*Mr Davey also attends the meetings when needed (e.g. when major concerns need resolving regarding particular children’s attendance and punctuality!).


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