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Extra Curricular Activities

Blessed Sacrament Primary School is a Liverpool Children’s University Learning Destination.  As a Children’s University Learning Destination we encourage our children to access learning beyond the normal school day and to gain recognition for their commitment to enhancing their own learning.

Children can attend a range of extra-curricular clubs within the school.  These may be wide ranging from sports, drama, arts, and many more.  These clubs have been developed into modules that have clear and structured learning objectives that will help provide a better quality of enrichment activities.


How does it work?

Children collect 1 credit for each hour they attend an accredited Children’s University activity or afterschool club (maximum of 20 credits per activity). 

Depending on the amount of credits the children earn, they can achieve Children’s University certificates and awards. These are split into three categories, to mirror the University journey – Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate levels. 

To celebrate the commitment and hard work the children have produced throughout the year, children and families will be invited to attend a graduation ceremony.  The children will be robed in caps, gowns and stoles then presented with their national certificate. 

Children's University

During our school year we offer morning, lunch time and afternoon clubs for different year groups. These include:


Football, cricket, dance, dodgeball, glee club, choir, athletics, archery, judo, mad science, fencing, cross country, netball, chess, tri golf, short tennis, badminton, maths and current affairs.


Letters will be sent home inviting children to come along and take part just before the a club is about to start.


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