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PTA of Blessed Sacrament

Next Event:


13th December - Christmas Fair - 15:25 Junior Hall


17th December - Christmas Bingo - 17:15


Next/Last Meeting :

Friday 15th November at 3:30pm.

What Is The PTA of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School?

The Friends is the PTA organisation involved in raising funds to provide extra facilities and equipment for the children of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School.


PTA  is registered UK charity number 1085871


Who Are The PTA?

When your child joins the School, you as parents/carers automatically become members. It is, however, your choice how much you contribute in terms of time and donations. A small committee exists to organise events, such as School Fayres, Discos, Social events, Competitions and others. There are also many non-committee members that are equally committed to helping out as much as possible.


The Committee:

Chairperson:  Tracy Smith

Vice Chair: Vacancy

Secretary: Gina Dickinson

Vice Secretary: Miss E Shaw

Treasurer:  Rob Porter

Vice Treasurer: Sonia Bartlett



Why get involved?

The PTA committee depends on a continuous cycle of parent/carer involvement.  As children leave their final year, so do their parents.  Taking an active role in PTA is fun, you get to have your say and share your ideas.  It is a great way to meet other people and feel more involved with the school.


How do you become involved?

Email us at or contact the school office.  We are always happy to have new committee members either contact school to express an interest or just come along to our next meeting.  It would be great to have you on board.


What have we raised and how has it helped?

Last year the PTA raised over £6,000 and contributed £5,000 towards the much needed Junior Playground development. They also helped to provide SATs breakfasts to support Year 6 during their preperation for end of year tests and provided a communion party for our Year 4 children after their amazing celebration mass.

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