Liverpool Counts Quality Mark
The Liverpool Counts Quality Mark is part of a varied programme of strategies targeted at improving maths results for the city's children. The specific remit of the Quality Mark is to tackle the negative attitudes which are prevalent in many areas of our society towards numeracy and mathematics. We aim to challenge these widely held views and promote a culture where people readily understand the impact good numeracy skills and mathematics qualifications can have on the social, financial, health and employment aspects of their lives.
We also aim to support teachers and other adults in our schools to encourage pupils to make connections in their numeracy and mathematics lessons to real life contexts and with other areas of their school experiences.
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
Early Years
How long should we brush are teeth for?
Matching Numbers to quantities.
Measuring our ingriedients for our Gruffalo crumble.
One to one correspondence.
Practising our listening skills and understanding of positional language in PE.
Sorting and comparing numbers.
Using problem solving and measurement skills to make our den.
What shapes can you see in my picture?
Using our Maths skills to measure worms.
Year 2
We can use apparatus to help us work out larger problem. We have linked our mathematical skills to computing when programming.
Year 3
Finding ten more and ten less.
Come Count with Me was a big hit with our parents. We then used base 10 in our maths work.