My Child's Learning Maths Information
At Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School, Maths is taught on a daily basis in KS1 and KS2.
In EYFS, there are Maths opportunities built into daily continuous provision in order to develop their learning towards their Early Learning Goal.
We believe that Maths is fundamental in helping children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them, it offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners.
Children explore mathematical concepts from the moment they enter Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School. Our maths teaching takes a mastery approach, were children learn by finding out and solving problems for themselves.
Maths lessons are supported by Maths clubs in each Phase, that engage and challenge all children.
We make maths 'real' by making links to maths everywhere - not just in the classroom.
Fluent in 5
Regular practice of mental and written arithmetic skills is important in order to keep calculation skills fresh. When children arrive at the start of the day, they are given questions, which can be answered mentally, using jottings or a formal written method. Children decide which method is most efficient when solving the calculations. In turn, this should develop their ability to complete all the questions in an arithmetic test in the time given.
Fast Maths
Children in our school have regular opportunities to practice mental maths skills. The aim is to develop rapid recall and increase speed and accuracy.
Please read the Maths Glossary links to support your child with their learning at home.
Maths Parent/Carer Workshop Powerpoints
Please view the powerpoints to access the information provided at the workshops held for parents/carers.
"Good informal session with some useful fun tips. Will definitely use some of these ideas at home."
Phase 1 parent
"I really appreciated the assistance given to help me understand the methods. The pace of the workshop was great!"
Phase 2 parent
"Fantastic support for parents who need to know how to support children. Understanding the methods they apply to the calculations will save a lot of frustration at home."
Phase 3 parent
Top tips for parents and families:
Be positive about maths. Don't say things like "I can’t do maths" or "I hated maths at school"; your child might start to think like that themselves.
Point out the maths in everyday life. Include your child in activities involving maths such as using money, cooking and travelling.
Praise your child for effort rather than talent - this shows them that by working hard they can always improve.
Click the link:
The Family Maths Toolkit is full of ideas to help parents, families and
children aged 13 and under enjoy everyday maths activities together.
Liverpool Counts Quality Mark
The Liverpool Counts Quality Mark is part of a varied programme of strategies targeted at improving maths results for the city's children. The specific remit of the Quality Mark is to tackle the negative attitudes which are prevalent in many areas of our society towards numeracy and mathematics. We aim to challenge these widely held views and promote a culture where people readily understand the impact good numeracy skills and mathematics qualifications can have on the social, financial, health and employment aspects of their lives.
We also aim to support teachers and other adults in our schools to encourage pupils to make connections in their numeracy and mathematics lessons to real life contexts and with other areas of their school experiences.
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein