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Welcome to Phase 1


Hello, my name is Mrs Griffin and I am Assistant Headteacher and Phase 1 Leader - which is our EYFS department. 


This Phase consists of Little Buds (our 2 year old provision), Little Learners (our 30 hour offer provision), Nursery and Reception.

Our Daily Routine:


Throughout Phase 1, the children have lots of fun learning through play.  We have a very vibrant, exciting and awe-inspiring curriculum through exciting and innovative opportunities for both indoor and outdoor learning through play.


In Little Buds, Little Learners, Nursery and Reception we deliver a child-initiated curriculum that motivates and engages all of our learners who each have their own creative ideas to find out about!



Mrs Griffin



At the end of each term we would like you to come in and celebrate your child’s learning and achievements and we would also really appreciate your feedback and support with some of the fantastic homework projects you get involved with.



We will keep you updated with any upcoming workshops.


Nursery have weekly stay n' play sessions. 


Reception have a weekly come and read session where you are welcome to share a book with your child in their class.  




A polite request.  Uniform in Nursery and Reception is red joggers, polo shirt cardigan or jumper.  We have noticed that some of our girls begin wearing slips and dresses after a few weeks.  The curriculum doesn't lend itself to dresses, therefore, we ask that you adhere to the agreed uniform for your child's comfort.

P.E. Lessons:


Sports Coaches: 

We are lucky to have sports coaches who work alongside our teachers to deliver exciting and energetic P.E. lessons.



We are a Spanish Centre of Excellence. Therefore, our youngest children in Nursery begin learning Spanish through fun games and songs.



A pastoral assembly is held every Monday for Reception. A Celebration assembly is held every Friday with certificates, attendance awards and a silver cup being awarded each week. The Nursery will join the weekly assemblies when they are ready. Meanwhile, daily collective worship is led by the teachers and the children in our classrooms.

If you have any queries at all, please give me a call or pop in and see me.  I am enjoying another exhilarating year and I look forward to you coming in to support us with our learning adventures.


Thank you for your continued support.

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